The Dutch Barn utilizes the same vaulted wall system as all of our side-gable units, plus it comes standard with the attractive gambrel roof. Because we standardize all of our framing systems, you get the same added overhead clearance and wide open space as our Side-Gable Lapsider. While the Dutch Barn is somewhat of a niche product for Lark, it has been pleasing customers for three decades. This unique building offers an alternative to the basic conventional design that you most often see utilized for portable buildings. Even though a lot of Barn style buildings are built using 2 x 4′s turned the 1 ½” way connected with truss plates, we build our unit with the 2 x 4′s turned the 3 ½” way, engineered for 130 mile per hour wind loading. This unit has hurricane clip connections on all studs, plus shear wall bracing, not just on the ends, but on all four walls. We could go on and on about the Dutch Barn, but we have highlighted several features that a serious shopper should look for in a portable building. If you need practical storage with a touch of class, the Dutch Barn has it all. The Dutch Barn style is also available in a version that is gabled on the end.