Our vaulted wall system is the construction technique that we utilize on our Side-Gable Lapsider. Traditionally most portable buildings are built with the gable on the short dimension or end of the unit, but the Side-Gable Lapsider takes a different approach. By building the unit with the gable on the long side, we are able to create a building that is not only esthetically pleasing, but also provides higher interior eave clearance and more overall height.
All of our vaulted wood walls are constructed using double hurricane clips at all stud connections, on the top and bottom plate for maximum wind up lift protection. For shear wall strength, we run rigid T-wall bracing on the front and back of all walls to protect against lateral or sudden movement, which can result from heavy wind loads.
This vaulted wall system combined with our monolithic roof structure constructed with #1 2 x 6′s will deliver for you. It will provide the strength, good looks, and durability that you expect when you purchase a Lark Building. The Side-Gable Lapsider is also available with our outstanding Accu-Steel frame giving you the same look and pleasing appearance as our wood Lapsider. When you closely examine this building system, we are sure you will conclude that you too, deserve the best.